Preview of Tomorrow
In this podcast series Michael Lake, President and CEO of Leading Cities, speaks with a variety of thought leaders from visionary companies providing actionable solutions to major issues plaguing cities today. These issues range from air pollution to cyber-attacks to infectious disease and more. Michael dives into the inspiration behind each company and how they see themselves evolving in the coming years. This series will equip you with a plethora of valuable knowledge, and if nothing else, enjoy Michael’s amazing Boston accent.
93 episodes
Bridging the Climate Data Gap: Tools for Transparent Reporting
With Chiara Rinaldi of Sustainaccout
Season 4
Episode 2
Unseen Waste: Tackling Global Water Loss
Water. It’s the essence of life, flowing through every corner of our planet, sustaining all forms of life. However, an alarming 32 billion cubic meters of water are lost every year through leaks and inefficiencies in our water systems. This sta...
Season 4
Episode 1
Canceling Cannabis-Impaired Driving -IMMAD
On December 5th, 1933, the 21st amendment of The U.S. Constitution was ratified, effectively ending Prohibition in the United States. 90 years later, alcohol has become a well-studied substance with universally accepted quantities for what cons...
Season 3
Episode 30
Can AI Be Trusted to Take our 911 Calls? - Daupler
In the time it took you to brush your teeth this morning, there were over 900 calls placed to 911 emergency services in the United States alone. But would you believe that out of these 900 calls made, almost 300 of them were either non-emergenc...
Season 3
Episode 29
How About Up? Welcome To The New Age of Farming - Verde Compacto
When was the last time you had a meal? Maybe it was a quick granola bar before work, or possibly you’re eating some lunch right now. Whatever the case may be, I bet you didn’t realize that you were consuming a resource that, in about 40 years, ...
Season 3
Episode 28
Defeating the Drone Accessibility Gap - City Zeen
Just a few decades ago, the concept of unmanned aerial vehicles, or, as you may know them: drones, was a reality confined only to science fiction films and comic books. In fact, if you told someone just 30 years ago that there are over 900,000 ...
Season 3
Episode 27
What To Do With Our Waste’s Waste - with Eagleridge Innovation
When it comes to our plumbing, we usually take an out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach. Once we don’t see it anymore, we don’t think about it anymore - but for the waste that we put in our drains and plumbing systems, the initial flush i...
Season 3
Episode 26
Making City Streets Smarter through Connected Car Data
Potholes: the modern car driver’s worst enemy. How many times have YOU hit a pothole just a little too hard, eyes darting to the dashboard, hoping and praying that you don’t see that flat tire light blink on? In the U.S alone, there ar...
Season 3
Episode 25
Why has energy traceability become so important in the energy transition? -Enosi-
The first ever solar panel cell was created more than eighty years ago: and like many other innovations, it was created by pure accident. Yet since then, those signature rectangular structures can be spotted on the roofs of houses and buildings...
Season 3
Episode 24
Voter Education: Returning the Power to the People - Best Candidate
A recent study in Texas found that, in local governmental elections, the first name listed on the ballot earns an average of ten percentage points more than the last name on the ballot. This is no coincidence, as it turns out that many v...
Season 3
Episode 23
Airborne Pathogens: The Invisible Intruder (
Is your office building suffering from a cold? As strange as this sounds, Sick Building Syndrome is a serious and legitimate problem that can be found in buildings, like your very own corporate office. The culprit of this sickness? Tiny, invisi...
Season 3
Episode 22
Sustainable Planning Done Right
With more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than at any time in human history, and sea levels rising faster than ever before, it is clear our world is facing a global climate crisis. Despite our urgency, did you know that over two thirds of busi...
Season 3
Episode 21
When Counterfeit means Life or Death
Did you know that over 80% of Chinese medicine products suffer from severe quality control issues? with the Hong Kong market for Chinese medicines accounting for over 3.7 billion US dollars, we are in desperate need of a solution to standardize...
Season 3
Episode 20
A New Era of Food: Composite Protein Isolate
More than 10% of the world’s population goes to bed undernourished every single day. Unfortunately, with the threat of a complete climate crisis on our horizon, it is that same group of people who are at the highest risk of starvation.
Season 3
Episode 19
Mapping The Road To Success
Did you know, for example, that 92% of the world's largest lower-middle income cities don’t have mapped public transit routes? And with over two billion people within these cities relying entirely on public transport, we desperately require a s...
Season 3
Episode 18
Lighting Our Way to a Smarter City, One Light Post at a Time”
As the sun dips and the city’s streets are plunged into darkness, you can almost always count on the glow of street lights to provide a sense of safety until your final destination. Yet with over 230 million street lights around the world in us...
Season 3
Episode 17
Following the Path of our Waste
Despite this massive number, less than 20 percent of the waste will be properly recycled. This is partially due to the complexity of the modern waste system, with material being moved locally, nationally and internationally with no true structu...
Season 3
Episode 16
Accessible Transport from Start to Finish
Did you know that more than half of all public buses in the world don’t have space for a single wheelchair? For those with disabilities, transportation can become a daunting task, as even a short distance to travel can present a myriad of obsta...
Season 3
Episode 15
Electric Vehicle Charging in the Palm of our Hands
A recent study found that 89% of people would be encouraged to purchase an electric vehicle if they could access a parking space with a charger. However, as of right now, public charging in many cities is unreliable and inconvenient, and is in ...
Season 3
Episode 14
When Sprinkler Systems Aren’t Enough
In 2021 alone, housefires and wildfires accounted for 1.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. We are in desperate need of technology that can more accurately identify and extinguish fires before it is too late
Season 3
Episode 13
The End of Traffic As We Know It
In 2019 alone, 3.5 billion gallons of fuel were wasted due to traffic congestion in the US, leading to more than 36 million tons of excess greenhouse gasses. We now must ask ourselves how existing road infrastructure can be more efficiently use...
Season 3
Episode 12
Planting The Way to Net Zero Emissions
The concept of urban forestry has become increasingly paramount, in fact, just one mature tree can sequester 22 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Today we present a solution to support the built greenery of our cities.
Season 3
Episode 11
Shortening the Plastic Supply Chain!
Did you know that upwards of 75% of the emissions associated with plastic waste don’t even come from plastic at all? Today we met a circularity-as-a-solution platform that effectively transforms plastic waste into new products without long-dist...
Season 3
Episode 10
Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
In the chaos of wartime, much of the world is left disconnected from the crisis, unsure of what is needed or how they can help. Today we will explore a mobile application developed in the wake of the Ukrainian refugee crisis to provide visibili...
Season 3
Episode 9